Friday, December 31

Turning over

It's the dying moments of 2010 a chance to look back at the last year and a moment to look forward. It's the moment we make promises to ourselves about things we want to change. It's the season of new journals, day-timers, calendars: all crisp and blank quivering with the anticipation of a year of appointments, to do lists, rants, thoughts and assignments. For me a new semester is about to begin with new professors, challenges and experiences. This is one of my favorite holidays it's about sitting quietly perched on the cusp of something new, a year filled with possibilities, letting yourself look back at the last year filled with snapshots of good times spent with friends and family. Even your regrets seem less when you gaze into the unwritten future. In school we talk a lot about reflection as important to being a good teacher. We write reflection pieces and meta-reflection pieces. New Years is a reflection holiday we celebrate; saying goodbye to the good and bad of last year, make promises about the new year, and for a moment hover in a space where everything seems possible.
So I encourage you to take this moment look back see both the good and bad, make promises about what you'd like to change and just enjoy the possibilities.
Happy New Year!!

Saturday, December 25

You're doing WHAT???

After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say "I want to see the manager."
- William S. Burroughs

While visiting with lots of people it invariably comes up about my New Year's resolution. I'm excited about it and challenged by it and want to inspire others to make changes in their lives. The biggest question I face is Why? I truly believe our world is doomed if we continue in our current behaviour patterns. The evidence seems clear we are destroying this planet, using up our resources and hurting each other through these patterns. I can't sit by and do nothing. Perhaps my decision seems extreme but it actually seemed to be the least I could do. I know that my small actions won't save the earth and alter the big patterns in place but they can be a place to start. If I make a change and it inspires someone else to make a change over time these changes can add up.

Want some other's viewpoint check out these links:
David Suzuki-Test Tube

Thursday, December 23

Peace (sort of) on Earth

Well after a musical and fun filled drive to my parents place. Tyb and I have been settling in quite nicely. Smudge my parent's cat and Beamer their dog aren't sure about this new friend but they are all pretty much ignoring one another. The tree is still intact, no property damage was done and non of them hurt each other so it went much better than expected.
I have to say I kind of enjoy driving to and from Regina/Edmonton because I download audiobooks and listen to them while I drive. This time's selection was "The Stupidest Angel" by Christopher Moore. Any christmas book that manages to include wacky characters, zombies, and still makes you feel good about christmas is a great one! I highly recommend it.
I learned how to check my blog's stats and realized that I have readers from all over. The thing that baffles me is I have a high russian readership...I don't know anyone in Russia so I can't figure out who you are. It's cool to see how many people are reading this little blog. I hope that it entertains you and so knowing that there are many of you out there. I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year. Thanks for following my journey and adventures and I look forward to sharing more with you in the coming year.

Friday, December 10

Winter Crafting

The weather gets colder and I like to spend time inside working on crafts. Lucky me I've met a few people here who are also crafty types and we've been spending time together inspiring each other. I only have two exams and so I've had a lot of free time to work on things. Some of these were also projects for school that I completed. Creativity is encouraged in this program and that makes me happy. Tomorrow though is booked for me to write my take home exam...but if that goes well then I can craft on Sunday otherwise I'm grounded. I've also started to pack things up to head home. I'm excited to see everyone and visit with my friends back home.

Saturday, December 4

The Story of Stuff

The Story of Stuff

This will give you the reason behind my New Year's resolution. I encourage everyone to check this out and take the time to watch this even if you think I'm crazy!

New Year's Resolution

Well this last semester I've been studying the environment and learning a lot about social justice. I want to put what I've been learning into practice and make a change for the better in this world. So I've spent a lot of time thinking about how to do this and I've come up with a plan. This year I'm going to do a consume less year. Similar in idea to a buy nothing day but given the reality of food, toiletries and school supplies I will need to make some purchases. So I've sort of planned this out. I'm posting this early to give people time to comment and help me refine my plan.
1. I will only purchase whole food and try to purchase as much of that in an organic, local grown, fair trade form. I've already signed up for a CSA starting next spring.
2. I will not purchase fast food including frozen meals, pop, chips, chocolate bars. The one exception would be if I'm hosting a party I'm allowed to purchase pop.
3. I will not purchase at convenience stores
4. No more coffee shops except if going as a social outing but I will try to encourage people to come to my place for tea instead.
5. I will limit my toiletry purchases to the essentials, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, tooth paste and face wash. When possible I will look up alternative greener products using deep clean to guide my purchasing.
5. I will try to make most of my presents for the coming year but if appropriate I won't punish people by not purchasing a real gift for them
6. I know I will be taking a vacation at some point with my family I suspect that week may be a hiatus from these rules.
7. I will be allowed to purchase any school supplies but I will try to purchase used where possible or electronically.
8. Utilities will be maintained; but as I go along I may make decisions to cut back my tv package
9. The hardest will be ebooks and itunes for me...I'm still torn but I'm going to try go without purchasing from them
10. Clothes, Shoes, craft supplies, books, dvds, knicknacks, are all forbidden
11. I will continue to use the bus and my bike for commuting to school and limit my driving, if I'm going to drive I'll try to combine errands into one trip.
12. To use my blog as a place to share how I'm doing and resources I've found to help me.

Why do this? To try to free myself from the chains of consumerism and in some ways try to drop out of the cycle of buying and throwing out. This is going to be hard and I know it. To quote Ghandi I want "to be the change I want to see in the world"