Friday, August 21

Finance 101

Today I learned the value of a financial planner.  For five months I've been fighting over things with the bank, with the whole thing getting more and more messed up.  While the bank has made mistakes I'll agree that I've also not been the most on top of things.  Armin was our finance guy which means I agreed to take the now I'm just not as on top of things as I should be.  Not that I didn't know what was going on with our finances I just didn't do the little details.  Well now I'm in charge and things were going downhill, my frustration level was rising and I was beginning to think I was financially retarded.  

NOT TRUE says the financial planner.  In a one hour session he got everything figured out, told me what to write to the bank to get it figured out, what questions I need to ask my house/car insurance company, helped me figure out an investment plan which means I could retire comfortably at 55 (Yup 55) and pays me money each month, took care of transfering Armin's pension money into a pension for me as well next session we'll go over my mortgage needs and my future insurance needs.  I think I'm in love....well okay he's my dad's age and not my type but you know what I mean.  I now have a binder with everything organized instead of a pile of paper.  I'll be getting monthly investment statements with the option to go online everyday and watch my investments.  

I'm finding myself wondering why more people don't know about this fabulous service, the first appointment was free and then based on what services you want you have fixed costs for some of them or some of them work like your bank costs.  So the second big thing I've learned is a financial planner is totally worth it they can help with finance, insurance, future planning now all I have to worry about is what to spend it on....that's the part I'm good at.  So what are you waiting for....


Crankygirl said...

K and I totally plan on doing this as soon as we get back... I may want the name of your guy. :)

Unknown said...

You can have it he's fabulous. He works for Edward Jones which is based in the states so you might be able to find someone there if you don't want to wait.

Unknown said...

That's so great that someone helped you out with all that! Hiring a financial planner is one of the best things we've ever done.

Glad to hear that things are coming back together.