Monday, October 18

Age is relative

So I've been stressing a little about being "old" and back in school. Worried about the fact I don't fit in with these kids. Worried that my clothes mark me as different. Just plain stupid stuff. Then I went camping with my one class and realized that most of them don't view me as "old" in fact I don't think most of them realize how old I really am. Then today one of my classmates came up to me and told me how much she admired my sense of style and compared me to Penelope Garcia on Criminal Minds. I was floored I don't think of myself as stylish or cool or neat and I love Penelope she's soo cool. This one little compliment helped me reevaluate myself and feel like I can do what I want. With age I guess confidence can come and sometimes it's nice to know yourself well enough to feel great in my own skin. I forget this sometimes, I think everyone does, why do we always sell ourselves short?
I'm smart, motivated, fun, and have a pretty good wardrobe. So why do I think people might not like me? Why do I stress about what I wear?
Sorry no answers today just questions. Sometimes that's all you have.

Camping...Having lots of Fun...Camping

Well I did it! Survived our Environmental Science camping trip. It was the coldest weather I've ever camped in and the wind was insane. I have to say that while there were moments I wanted to come home but I tried to stay positive and in the end I had a good time and was extremely proud of myself. It was great to get away from the city and I always love camping. I also enjoyed getting to know my classmates much better. In some cases ie my tent mates we got very close...because cuddling while sleeping was encouraged as a way to stay warm LOL. We also learned and discussed some interesting topics around food. Sometimes its easy to take for granted food and that what we get is actually good for us. However, that's not always true. We talked about making ethical and nutritional choices. We discussed eating local food, how the global food market hurts small farmers, the changing face of nutrition and about community supported agriculture. We even spent some time gardening on the CSA who let us use their land to camp on. All in all it was a great weekend. I'd been worried about it and it does mean I'm a little behind now on my schoolwork and don't even ask about my housework but I think it was worth it. I would do some things differently and I know I won't be taking little guys out camping but I think every experience is something you can learn from. Plus I have a new toughness level experience for myself.

Thursday, October 14

Classes Rolling along!!

Well I survived the first big round of papers and mid-terms! Marks are trickling back in and so far it looks pretty good, I'm sitting around 90% in most of my classes right now. I'm feeling great about that and glad my hard work is paying off. I need to put a little more attention into my place because it's a mess and I never finished unpacking the craft room. However, that won't happen this weekend because I'll be camping for my environmental education class. We'll be studying about food sustainability on a green ranch. We'll be roughing it no running water, tents, no electronics, fire to cook on and no bathrooms. Thank goodness I've gone roughing it before so I'm prepared for it but I think some of my classmates are not as prepared. While I think camping in late october in canada is a risk it sounds like we'll get lucky with the weather. Hopefully it's a good time for everyone. We went biking yesterday for this class and it was fun. My butt is sore today but it was worth it. A beautiful day, a scavenger hunt and I proved to myself that it's easy to ride to and from school. So while I remain a weather wimp so I'll only be riding on good days but I'm going to work bike commuting into my school schedule. It actually doesn't take me any longer to get to school by bike and then I'll be getting a little more exercise. On bad weather days I'll take the bus and together this keeps my car parked and my lifestyle a little greener.

I had a great thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for! I have two cities to call home and people I care about in both. I am living a great life and achieving some of my dreams. I've reached a place of contentment. I've travelled and seen many things that make me even more grateful for my life. I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving too and that you found things to be thankful for.