Monday, January 9

Weigh In Day 1

Well it's my weigh in day and I'll be honest it was good news I've gone down but I didn't work very hard.  I tend to lose quickly at the beginning just by eating a bunch more veggies and cutting out little things like chips/ice cream and fast food.  So I wasn't particularly tough on myself and didn't track really well but I took the first steps and that's important.  I'm addicted to pintrest and I created a board for healthy 2012 for inspiring quotes, healthy tips and recipes that I find.  It's frustrating though because you look up healthy and all you get are pictures of really skinny women usually dressed skimpily.
Typical Fitness Photo...grrr...

Now I know you can be skinny and healthy but having a sister that suffers with an eating disorder makes this a sore subject for me.  She could be one of these women but she is far from healthy.  She exercises obsessively and binges and purges to maintain the physique that we idealize as healthy.  I wish there were more pictures of "real" women who are healthy out there people I could look too for inspiration that maybe aren't super skinny but are healthy. I mean who says that only a size 0 is healthy you can be curvy and sexy.  My goal is to get down to a size 16 this year...still wouldn't be considered skinny by most standards but for me that would be a big deal.  When I get there I will celebrate by buying a new dress; then I'll re-evaluate and set a new goal but I don't think that a size 0 is ever realistic for my frame.

This is better! 

This picture shows the amazing diversity of athletic builds that can be out there so why don't we see and hear more about all types of women.  I hate that our society has come to define beauty as only one thing and something that isn't healthy or attainable for everyone.  I hate that even if I get healthy I might still not be considered beautiful or thin enough.  That's why I set my goal for the year as health not just weight loss.  I may need to loose some weight to be healthy but I don't want to just define this year by how "skinny" I get because I recognize that I can be healthy and not "skinny".  So I'll get off my beauty soapbox but if you like what I'm saying check out a video on youtube called killing us softly (version 4 is the latest).

Well that's what I have to say this week! Let me know how you are doing with your healthy goals.


Pamela said...

Good for you Megan. I am interested in hearing about all of your healthy challenges/goals this year. My plan for 2012 is to make this my healthiest year yet. Through healthy eating, portion control, exercise and stress management I would like to be symptom free for the first time since my Crohn's colitis diagnosis in 2010.

To help with the exercise motivation I have set a personal goal of walking a half marathon by May/June. Haven't officially signed up for a race, and don't know if I will, I just want to know that I can do it.

Here's to a great 2012.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great goal! I didn't know you had Crohn's that's a real challenge. Walking a half marathon sounds great I might be up to something like that by the end of summer. It would be a real challenge. I'll be cheering you on!