Saturday, July 23

Summer vacation ahead!

Well the chaos of last week has settled into the quiet of this week.  Monday is the last day of class, Wednesday the final and then I'm done and free for a whole month.  I'm going to spend that month in Edmonton with my family and visiting with friends there.   To avoid boredom (like that'll happen) I'm volunteering at the edmonton kids fringe and throwing a baby shower for my sister.  Nothing like a few projects to make time fly before the next round of classes.  I'm a little nervous about the practicum part of the next semesters but I'm choosing to be positive about it.

I heard the rumour this week that the university is discontinuing the early childhood education program.  If this is true that means there won't be a single university in Canada offering a bachelors degree with a specific early childhood label.  Sometimes it seems that I get to things at the right time.  Jeremiah says, "All things work for good for those who believe." and I think that although I couldn't believe that at the time Armin died that this is true.  Not that I'm glad Armin died I just think God works even bad things into opportunities for good. We just have to pull our heads out of our misery to be able to see it and that sometimes takes distance.  I know I'm here at the right time though and for the right purpose.

I had the pleasure of going with a friend to look at wedding dresses, her wedding is still a ways off so this was more of an I'm so excited and oooh pretty dresses trip than an actual shopping but it still was a lot of fun.  She got to try on a bunch of gorgeous dresses and no matter what she put on they looked good.  It'll be a tough decision then but she's got time to figure out what she wants.

On the bedbug front things are looking way up.  I have seen 2 in the living room, (I quickly killed them) but that's all.  I've had no bites since the treatment and the follow up treatment is in a week so I'm feeling really positive that soon this will all be behind me.  Most of my stuff is spending time in garbage bags on the balcony until after the second treatment so I don't have to rewash it all.  So I'm making do with a limited wardrobe and only one pillow and a sheet on the bed.   The cat has started laying on soft furniture again and sleeping on the bed so that makes me happy.  I also took the opportunity to tweak the furniture arrangements because they all had to move so I could vacuum underneath everything.  I'm choosing to think of this as early fall cleaning.  So I'm taking the opportunity to get things in order and cleaned.

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